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Classical Chinese Medicine

Acupuncture Demo Clips: Acupuncture Demonstration and Benefits and Does Acupunture hurt?


Listings for Therese Walsh-Van Keuren, Ph.D., L. Ac.


Los Gatos Thermography Clinic:

True Chi Products:

240 Oak Meadow Dr Facebook:

Therese Walsh Van Keuren Acupuncture Facebook page

Divergent Meridians:

Books Written by Therese Walsh-Van Keuren

The Application of Divergent Meridian Theory:

Breast Health:

Breast Thermography:

Thermography Centers

Breast Health Project

Los Gatos Thermography Clinic:

Sherrill Sellman: Hormone Heresy: What Women Must Know About Their Hormones

Chemicals in our environment:


Autoimmune Paleo

Nourishing Traditions:

Local Resources to San Jose/Los Gatos

Tai Qi

The Enlightened Mind

Natural Healers Network

Business Coaching: Catherine Houdek:

Shamanic Healing:


Dr. Mercola:

Drugs reference

Acupuncture in L.A. :

Paula Capps:

Kathleen Port:

Kia Sinay:

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