Acupuncture and NeuroDegenerative Disorders
Acupuncture can be used to treat NeuroDegenerative Disorders In this brief introductory discussion, four different methods to treat Neuro-degenerative disorders are offered as examples that Licensed Acupuncturists can choose from and apply in clinical treatment settings. They include; Scalp Acupuncture, Microsystems Acupuncture, Primary Meridian Acupuncture, and Master Tung’s Method. 1. Scalp Acupuncture, also known as…
Read MoreThe Stressed Documentary is now on YouTube
The STRESSED Documentary is now on YouTube. I am excited to share this Documentary Film with all of you!! The ‘Stressed Documentary’ is now free and available on YouTube for you. Feel Free to share the link below. Discover a way to address past trauma and its effects in the patterns of how we make choices in our lives. At this current…
Read MoreMenopause: Hot Flashes, Night Sweats and the Menopause Moods
Menopause is the transition in a woman’s life that marks the end of the reproductive activity of fertility, and the beginning of a new kind of creative period in her life. The reproductive energy (qi) is now freed up and can be re-routed into other parts of the body-mind to be used for projects and…
Read MoreWhere do I go to get my ‘glow’?
“Get your Glow On” Article Follow up: Here is where you can go to get the recommended products. Thank you for taking the time to take care of your skin and enjoying our list of 48 skin care tips. The Three Pots of Tea Collective hope you are finding new and improved ways to get…
Read MorePower Up your Late Summer Meditation
Power up your Late Summer meditation with essential oils of Frankincense, Sandalwood and Lemon Late Summer is a special season, occurring between the Summer solstice and the Fall equinox, and is the approximate middle of the lunar year. It is the season of the Earth element. This is a time of fullness, of enjoying the…
Read MoreHappy New Year 2021!
Happy New Year 2021!! May 2021 bring you peace, harmony and renewed health!! This is always such an interesting time of year for me. I ponder what happened in the ending of 2020, and reflect on what I would like to accomplish or focus on in the upcoming year. This ending…
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