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9th Annual Women’s Healing Conference

Healing Digestion with Congee


Therese A Walsh-Van Keuren, Ph.D., L.Ac.

presented at the

9th Annual Women’s Healing Conference

Saturday, May 4th, 11:30-12:30

Hidden Villa Farm – Los Altos Hills, CA

This workshop will be an introduction to the Philosophy and Practices of caring for the Center of your Being and healing Digestive issues while nourishing your body at home.  By using common (cinnamon) and uncommon (Huang Qi) herbs cooked into a nourishing rice Congee. We will cover herbal cooking practices, basic recipes and practical applications.

Therese believes in experiential learning, and will have congee to sample and additional ingredients to add to your sample. There will be one savory example of congee and one sweet example. Handout instructions will be provided.


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