True Chi
I envision a world of change in the health of all people by the systematic education and implementation of using Nature's Pharmacy for healing and supporting the body, mind and spirit. Entering the stream of 5000 years of recorded observable and natural phenomenon, I honor my position as a transmitter of the knowledge of Chinese Medicine to the people who are seeking wholeness through health and well-being, administering to those in need, using all of the modalities for creating the free flow of qi, which promotes health in all beings. My mission as a true chi health detective allows me to find all the clues the body offers in the form of symptom expression and interpret them accurately and offer treatment solutions to bring the body back into homeostatic balance.
To be an inspirational force in supporting an avenue for change towards better health, better education, utilizing ethical and ecological health business practices in the lives of patients, customers, clients, friends and families throughout the world.

Meet Therese

Dr. Walsh-Van Keuren is Licensed in Acupuncture and Herbology by the Medical Board of California and received her Ph. D. from the American University of Complementary Medicine (AUCM) in the department of Classical Chinese Medicine (CCM). Through this program, she has had the opportunity to study extensively with Jeffrey Yuen, 88th generation Taoist Priest, acupuncturist and herbalist.
What Is Chinese Medicine?

Chinese medicine seems like it is a mystery to many people - this does not have to be the case. It is a style of traditional medicine built on a foundation of more than 2,500 years of Chinese medical practice that includes various forms and practices. These include acupuncture, cupping, Gua Sha, manual traction, essential oils and so much more.

Don’t hesitate to ask us anything. Let us know any comments or concerns that you may have.
You can also schedule an appointment with Dr. Walsh-Van Keuren online
Questions about getting started? Drop us a line to find out more!
Dr. Walsh-Van Keuren or a member of her team will answer your questions on determining what the best way to get started.